GluK2 editing in maintaining neuronal networks#
This project is led by Jithin Nair in collaboration with Jeremy Henley’s group aims to understand how GluK2 Q/R editing radically alters the KAR properties and neuronal networks.

pre-mRNA GluK2 Q/R editing
We aim to study the role that GluK2 Q/R editing has on its ionotropic/metabotropic signaling. Recently we identified that GluK2 Q/R editing influences the ionotropic/metabotropic balance of KAR signaling and regulates synaptic expression of AMPARs and plasticity Nair et al. 2022
Ongoing work aims to investigate how this might be implicated in neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders.
For these projects, we use a combination of biochemical techniques paired with whole-cell patch clamp recordings to be able to study the direct links between the structure and function of these receptors.