Jithin Nair#

Jithin Nair
Research Associate
My interest in neuroscience began in 2016 while pursuing a master’s dissertation on unconventional glycine-binding NMDA receptors and their role in learning and memory formation. In 2018 I moved to Bristol to start a PhD with Jeremy Henley and Jack, where I investigated the role of kainate receptors in the plasticity of AMPA receptors. In 2021 I joined the lab as a Postdoc.
My research focuses on the role of ion channels in the network activity of brain circuits. I am interested in understanding the role of GluK2 pre-mRNA editing in maintaining healthy neuronal networks and its dysfunction in neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders.
I am also interested in the role that AMPA receptor function has on epileptogenesis.
To investigate these topics I utilize my biochemical skill-set with brain slice electrophysiology to study circuit function.
Current projects:#
Outside of the lab
I love to travel and take pictures of people, cities, landscapes, nature, and art forms.
Shooting: Bullseye and clay
Going for walks
Flying microlight
Listen to music whilst singing along
And recently discovered- fragrance collection
GluK2 Q/R editing regulates kainate receptor signalling and synaptic AMPA receptor expression and function.
J Nair
, K Wilkinson, C Mulle, B Vissel, J Mellor, J Henley
bioRxiv 2022 (article)
Surface biotinylation of primary neurons to monitor changes in AMPA receptor surface expression in response to kainate receptor stimulation
Jithin D. Nair
, Jeremy M. Henley, Kevin A. Wilkinson
Star Protocols 2021 (article)
Sustained postsynaptic kainate receptor activation downregulates AMPA receptor surface expression and induces hippocampal LTD
JD Nair
, E Braksator, BP Yucel, A Fletcher-Jones, R Seager, JR Mellor, Zafar I Bashir, Kevin A Wilkinson, Jeremy M Henley
Iscience, 2021. (article)
Kainate and AMPA receptors in epilepsy: Cell biology, signalling pathways and possible crosstalk
Jeremy M Henley, Jithin D Nair
, Richard Seager, Busra P Yucel, Gavin Woodhall, Benjamin S Henley, Karolina Talandyte, Hope I Needs, Kevin A Wilkinson
Neuropharmacology, 2021. (article)
Kainate Receptors and Synaptic Plasticity
JD Nair
, KA Wilkinson, JM Henley, JR Mellor
Neuropharmacology, 2021. (article)
SUMOylation of synaptic and synapse‐associated proteins: An update
Jeremy M Henley, Richard Seager, Yasuko Nakamura, Karolina Talandyte, Jithin Nair
, Kevin A Wilkinson
Journal of Neurochemistry, 2020. (article)