Shyline Bajaba#

Shyline Bajaba
Research Technician
I received my BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from Jacobs University Bremen in Germany. My Bachelor’s thesis was on ‘Microtubule Alterations in Neuroblastoma and Glioma Cells Upon Incubation by Trimeric Spike Protein’. During my undergraduate studies, I interned in Mexico where I investigated the “Effects of Enriched Environment in Brain Functional Connectivity and Cognition in Rats”. This project piqued my interest in neuroscience, especially in understanding learning and memory processes. I joined the group in October 2023.
My project is researching the biological underpinnings of neurodevelopmenal disroders like schizphrenia. This project aims to provide understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders, thereby paving a way into better theraupetic approaches.
Outside of the lab
True Crime Podcast
Netball and Cross country
Crocheting and Knitting